Monday, June 27, 2011

The start of something new.

This is weird. Im sitting at my desk typing these words, knowing that the goal behind all this is that others will read these words and have some sort of reaction to them. Whether it be good or bad, my goal is to get some reaction to the thoughts I have. That's kind of egotistical when you think about it...

Well this is it folks. The start of my very own blog. I'm kind of new to the whole blogging world so bare with me here as I settle in and figure out just what Im going to talk about each and every time I post. There may be some weird mesh of thought between my first several posts (although I doubt it), but Im sure once I get  the hang of things, there will be some rhyme and reason behind the words I throw together.

I guess the main thing I need to get out there though is the reason you should be following my blog and reading it. I think its safe to say Im a unique kind of guy. That Im just a tad bit weird with a dash of sanity (just ask any of my former high school teachers. Im looking at you Ms. Hall). Im here to give each and every reader I obtain a ride and experience with each post. I want to take you from where you were before you read my words and throw you all the way across the field of thought you have. Plus I have a love and passion for writing that I need to feed somehow (Not pursuing a journalism degree is really starting to bite me in the ole creative keester).

I realize this first post is most likely a bit boring to anyone who may not know me, but I guarantee you that the next time you stumble upon this here page, youll be in for a blast!